Mapping Land Surveying Training
For basic to advance Level

Mapping Land Surveying Training
- Survey Topography
- Survey Bathymetri
- Contruction Survey
- Road Construction Survey
- Building Construction Survey
- Etc.
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Survey Training
For basic to advance Level

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Survey Training
- The introduction of survey GNSS survey
- A map projection of a coordinate system
- Knowledge methods Static
- Knowledge RTK method
- Knowledge GNSS survey instruments
- Set up equipment GNSS survey method static
- Etc.
Drone System Training For Mapping
Innovative solutions from us to our partner

Drone System Training For Mapping
Training Timeline:
• Small format Aerial mapping Overview
• Flight plan Design
• GCP Design
• Download data & Filtering
• Orthomosaic method
• CP registration
• 3D model DSM to DTM
• Contouring
• Orthomosaic seamless editing
• Updating orthomosaic map with database
• Export data
• Map Visualization and analyz
Drone LiDAR Training
Sylabus Course

Drone LiDAR Training
Training Timeline
- Basics Drone Mapping
- Drone Acquisition and Mapping
- Introduction Equator LiDAR & Applications
- Planning Drone LiDAR Mapping
- Setup & Acquisition Drone LiDARData
- Processing Drone LiDAR Mapping
- Output LiDAR Mapping and Classification
- Additional module training (PP INS/ Mobile Mapping)
- Merge output Drone LiDAR Mapping and 3D modeling
Geographic Information System (GIS) Training
Sylabus Course

Geographic Information System (GIS) Training
Training Timeline
- The introduction of SIG and development of the mapping of the present.
- The introduction of the mapping and the system of projection
- The introduction of data type SIG
- Installation and a preliminary introduction software Arc GIS
- Understanding and practice of georeferencing / rectification map /. image
- Digitalized pata print / build spatial data
- The introduction of geodatabase Arc Gis

Why Choose Us?
PT. Wahyudi Andy Laksito Setiarso
PT. WALS (Wahyudi Andy Laksito Setiarso) is a consultancy services company that specialize in survey and mapping, planning, environmental planning, feasibility study of natural resources and human resources. With PT. WALS experiences for 30 years and supported by latest equipment and reliable expert, we believe that we can fulfill expectation from all of our Client.
Rukan Taman Pondok Kelapa Blok F No. 6, Pondok Kelapa, Duren Sawit Kota Jakarta Timur Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta 13450